Sunday, April 19, 2009

If you want to contact me . . .

Please post a comment in this blog. I will respond by posting a comment. If you post a comment asking me to email you, I will ignore it. I use my personal email primarily for business purposes, and I do not use it to respond to unknown people about unknown matters. When I had my email posted publicly years ago, I received dozens of spam messages per day. I like to keep my personal email uncluttered for important correspondence.

This blog is the way to contact me. If you want to tell me something, then please state it in your comment. You will also be more credible if you provide your name. When you post anonymously, I automatically discount the content.

Whenever a comment is posted, it is sent to my personal email, so I definitely read it. As already stated, I will respond by coming here and posting a comment. It is really quite simple.