Friday, June 25, 2010

New World Zorro to Be Released on DVD Fall 2010

This just in from Daryl:
The deal for the distribution of New World Zorro on DVD was only officially completed on Wednesday so I don't have all of the details. I will pass them on as I get them. The distributor will be A&E Video. They are set to release in the fall. Right now they are working with ZPI to put together the bonus material. A&E will decide how they wish to release the series so ZPI doesn't know at this time if it will be one season at a time, seasons 1 & 2 together then seasons 3 & 4 together or a complete box set.
and also:
ZPI has a cable deal in the works for NWZ. They will provide details when they come available. I'll pass them along. Also it appears the DVDs will include a Spanish language option.
If you are one of the people who has been waiting for years for this series to be released on DVD, your wish is about to come true. If you are just now wanting to see the shows, please do not buy bootlegs from anybody. They are of inferior quality, and you are better off waiting for the official release, which is just months away.


Torgon said...

This will be a first day buy for me. I loved the series when it was on in the early 90's. Keep the news coming!

D said...

FINALLY!!! YESS!!! The family-friendly version of Zorro slashes his way to DVD at last.

Sarah said...

Oh my Gosh!!!!! Finally! I've been waiting years for this!!!! My tapes broke and I've been having withdrawal for years. I'm so excited! Best Zorro ever!