The Zorro telenovela form 2007 is currently airing in reruns daily on Telemundo. Several people who missed the show the first time it aired are recording it. Most people missed the beginning of the reruns and are not sure how to label their DVDs.
I recorded the show on Monday to see how far along the reruns are. On Monday, episodes 26 and 27 from the original run aired.
The current run does not match up with the original run because the original run aired in 112 episodes and the current run is airing as 120 episodes. The telenovela was filmed in 120 episodes. When the show first aired, quite a few episodes aired as 90 minute episodes. Each of those episodes was comprised of 1 1/2 of the original episodes.
#16-25 in the original run aired as 90 minute episodes. Using this as reference: on the above website is #16 with 1/2 of #17 in the current run
#17 is 1/2 of #17 with #18
#18 is #19 with 1/2 of #20
#19 is 1/2 of #20 with #21
#20 is #22 with 1/2 of #23
#21 is 1/2 of #23 with #24
#22 is #25 with 1/2 of #26
#23 is 1/2 of #26 with #27
#24 is #28 with 1/2 of #29
#25 is 1/2 of #29 with #30
#26 aired as one hour so is #31
#27 aired as one hour so is #32
If anyone sees anything wrong with this, please let me know. I have looked over it a few times, but I could have made a mistake.
If I have this right, then what aired on Monday is #31 and #32 as originally filmed. For those of you recording this, Monday's should be labeled as #31 and #32.